Thursday, February 14, 2008

Planet of the Apes

A departure from nature and animal sketches... well, I guess it's an animal of a sort.

I was walking through the tunnels underneath the state capitol today and as I passed an area where some work was being done, I smelled something that gave me a flashback in time... glue. Specifically, it smelled like plastic model (or "airplane") glue . I immediately remembered, in great detail, a set of plastic models I had when I was 10 or 12 that were based on the "Planet of the Apes" characters.

Of course, I don't have those models anymore so here's a sketch of Cornelius from a model photo on the internet. Roddy McDowall played Cornelius and was found in nearly all the movies, only the first of which was any good at all. But despite the general crappiness of the movies, they were unbelievably AWESOME for a kid of about 10 years of age.

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