Sunday, January 06, 2008

Canada Goose (Branta canadensis)

The Canadian Goose (or Canada Goose) is seen throughout Minnesota. It is easily identified by its black head and white "chinstrap." It will grow to 12-14 lbs. Canadian Geese can live to be up to 24 years old.

Canadian Geese like to be in shallow areas near water. Wetlands, parks and even golf courses provide ideal grounds for them to live and raise their young. They live on grasses, seeds or grains such as corn and wheat.

Canadian Geese have become very successful at living on the borders of human habitation. However, they can be quite aggressive towards any creature (including humans) when defending their territory or their young.

Because of their noise, aggressive tendencies and the large amount of goose poop they leave in public areas, the Canadian Goose is commonly seen as a nuisance bird.

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