Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Woodpile Sketches - Deer Mouse

It would be unfair to start looking at any of the creatures in the woodpile without first discussing the humble mouse.

This little guy is the key to the entire woodpile community. Unfortunately for him, that's because he's breakfast, lunch and dinner for most of the other creatures hovering around the woodpile.

This little guy (which I called a "field mouse" when I sketched it) is probably a deer mouse or white-footed mouse. They are closely related.

Side note: The term "field mice" (used by many people) actually refers to meadow voles, who live under the grasses in fields.

Deer mice require very little water, getting most of what they need from the seeds and insects they eat. Deer mice, like all mice, cannot vomit and so are easily killed when poisoned.

Deer mice can have litters of babies all year and typically will have a litter (4 or 5 mice) about once a month. They are short lived, mainly because they are a food source for so many things around the woodpile! But in any case would rarely live more than two years. Like all mice, they are extremely territorial, and dominant males will fight other males off of their territory. One male will typically live with several females and young mice.

So... Our little woodpile is likely the home to dozens of mice!

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